วันจันทร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553


      Helping verbs or auxiliary verbs such as will, shall, may, might, can, could, must, ought to, should, would, used to, need are used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood. The combination of helping verbs with main verbs creates what are called verb phrases or verb strings. In the following sentence, "will have been" are helping or auxiliary verbs and "studying" is the main verb; the whole verb string is underlined.
    There are a total of 27 helping verbs in the English Language and we can further break them down into 3 categories ie Primary, Modal and Semi-Modal:
Primary Helping Verbs (14 verbs)
  • be, being, been, am, are, is, was, were (main)
  • have, had, has (main)
  • do, does, did (main)
  • Notice that verbs in the above three families may also stand alone and be the main verb of a sentence. e.g. She is in the shop (there is no other verbs in this sentence except “is” so it can act as main verb as well).
Modal Helping Verbs (10 verb)
  • should, could, would
  • may, might, must
  • will, can, shall
  • ought to
We use modal helping verbs to “modify” the meaning of the main verb in some way. A modal helping verb expresses necessity or possibility, and changes the main verb in that sense e.g. I may eat later, You should get it repaired, They might not come. (notice that “may, should, might” in these sentence have altered the meaning of the main verbs “eat, repaired, come”.
Semi-modal Helping Verbs (3 verbs)
  • need, dare, used to
These are often called “semi-modals” because they are partly like modal helping verbs and partly like main verbs:
Tips on Helping Verbs:
  • not every sentence will have a helping verb with the main verb .
  • there will always be a helping verb when you see a verb with “ing”
  • sometimes a word will separate the helping verb from the main verb, like “not”
  • Some sentences have 3 helping verbs to the main verb .
Helping Verb Examples
We will now see the examples of helping verbs, which are an important part of the parts of speech of English grammar.

Examples of Primary Helping Verbs
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Are you sick and tired of headaches?"
"Do study for your exams."

Examples of Modal Helping Verbs
"If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen." ~ Ronald Reagan
"Shall I call a doctor for you?"
"Do wildflowers grow in your back yard?"
"You and me could spend the afternoon just sitting around talking."
"She might be my adviser next semester."

     Before I end this write up on helping verbs, we will just sum it up. There are two types of helping verbs. The primary verbs can stand alone in the sentence, but the modal verbs do require another verb. Most of the times the main verb and the helping verb stand next to one another. However, in case of a question, they may be separated. They can also be separated if it is a negative sentence. A sentence can have more than 1 helping verb. There can be as many as three helping verbs in a single sentence

Abbreviated Forms Exercise: Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of do, be orhave. If more than one answer is possible, give them both.
1. I started collecting stamps when I was seven years old, and I still __________ .
2. The chemical itself isn’t harmful, but it can be converted to a form which __________.
3. I haven’t got any ideas at the moment, but when I __________, I’ll let you know.
4. I always hope that she’ll remember my birthday, but she never __________.
5. She had nothing to say. No one at the meeting __________.
6. I didn’t report Liam to the police, but I’m not prepared to say who __________.
7. I thought Kate had the keys, but she says she __________ .
8. She decided that before she went to university she would spend a year travelling
through Asia, just as her brother __________ .
9. “We’re late.” He looked at his watch. “You’re right. We __________.”
10. “Will you make some coffee?” “I already __________.”
Abbreviated Forms Exercise: Complete the sentences with should, will or would as
appropriate. If necessary, write be after the modal, or (be) if it sis possible either to include itor to leave it out.
1. I haven’t yet managed to beat Richard at squash, and I don’t suppose I ever
2. Ken was waiting to leave when I got there, as I thought he __________.
3. I practised quite often, although not as often as I __________.
4. If he is elected, and I sincerely hope he __________, he will have to move to Brussels.
5. “Don and Helen are very happy with their new flat.” “They __________ ; it’s a beautiful
place to live.”
6. “Will you be going shopping today?” “I __________ later.”
7. She was very pleased to get the necklace back. I knew she __________.
8. If Trencham’s won’t do the work, it is hard to think of another company that
·       www.kyrene.org/schools/brisas/sunda/verb/1help.htm
     ·       www.examples-help.org.uk/parts-of.../helping-verbs.htm

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Wh Question

Wh Question

An information question  = a question that asks for information by using

a question word : where,when,why,who,whom,what,which,whose

*Where asks about place.

EXAMPLE=   A: Where did you go?  
                        B: Pattaya.
                        A:  Where does she live?
                        B: Thailand.

*When can be answered by any time expession.

EXAMPLE= A: When will you go?

                      B: Next week.

                      A: When did she go to hospital?

                      B: In the morning.

*Why asks about reason.

EXAMPLE=  A:  Why did you crying?

                        B:  Because I am punished

                        A: Why does she do that?

                       B: Because of her love.

* Who asks about person and used as the subject of queston.
  EXAMPLE= A: Who came?
                       B: Mr.David.

                       A: Who is absent today?

                       B: Ms. Sujinda.

*Whom  is used as the object in a question and used in fomal English .
In everday spoken English,Who is usually used intead of whom.
                       Formal: Whom did you see?

                 Information:Who did you see?

EXAMPLE=   Whom do you often meet?

                       Whom does he see?

                       To whom did he talk?

*What can be used as either the subject or the object in a question.

EXAMPLE=A: What is your name?

                    B: My name is Rakchanok.

                    A: What do you do on the weekend?

                    B: I usually do exercise.

*Which is used when the speaker wants someone to  make a choice,
when the speaker  is offering alternatives:this one or that one;there
or those.,can be used with either singular or  plural nouns and can be
used to ask about people.

EXAMPLE= Which is your book?

                     Which is his toy?

                     Which subject do you like?

* Whose asks about possession Notice in the speaker of the question
may omit the noun if the meaning is clear to the listener.

EXAMPLE= Whose car is that ?

                      Whose is this umbrella?

Complete each sentence using who, whom,whose,where,which,how,how many
1.A:_____are you going?
   B:I am going to the Railway station.                   

2.A:_____do you go to the Lumpini?
   B:I go to the Lumpini in 3 day.
3.A:_____goes to the train station?
    B:Mr.Prayoon goes to the train station.

4.A:_____tickets does the servant buy?
   B: the servant buys two tickets.

5.A:_____does he want to seats?
   B:He want two seats because he is very fat.

6.A:_____does she call?
    B:she call her servant.

7.A:_____has he been for 3 day?
   B:He has been  to the upcountry for 3 day.

8.A:_____are you doing there?
    B:I am doing my work.

9.A:_____ you do prefer, milk or coffee?

10.A:_____are we going this evening?
 B:We are going to cinema tonight.


Betty Schrampfer Azer2003.ENGLISH GRAMMAR THIRD EDITION,Pearson Edution.

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

There is / There are

There is / There are

There is ,there are is a common phrase in English used to indicate

that something? exists?  or is in a certain location.

* "there is" to talk about one thing
* "there are" to talk about two or more thing.

Example :  There is a book on the table.
                 There are many books on the table.

There is/ There are can also be used to answer question.

Example : Is there a hotel dowtown?     =  Yes, there is.

                Are there any pens on the table?  = No,there aren't

Other forms of be? can also be used with there is/ there are.

Example : There will be a party at Bill's house on Saturday.

                There were four witnesses at the crime scene.

               There  have been two robberies in the last five month.

Contraction are possible,but they are mostly used informally in speech.

Example : There 's a fly in my soup.

                There're  plenty of oranges left.

                There 'll be a lot of people in attendance.

There 's is by far the most common contraction, and it is sometimes used inadvertently

with  plural subjects by native speakers.

Example : There's ten people outside!

Common mistakes.

Sine the expession there is/ are usually has no equivalent in other languages, students

sometimes use have instead.

Example: Have a lot of food on the table.  <Incorrect>

               It have a lot of  food on the table.<Incorrect>

              There have a lot of food on the table<Incorrect>

              There is a lot of food on the table <Correct>

Read the sentence,decide on the answer.

1.There ..........many people visiting the animals to day.

2.There...........many children,too.

3.There...........a gorilla in the tree.

4. There..........some grass under the tree.

5. There..........bananas in the tree with the gorilla.

6. There.............many birds near the gorilla.

7.There..............a rock near the tree.

8.There..............many sharks in the aquarium.

9.There..............an eel in the aquarium,too.

10.There.............lots of water for the fish.




วันจันทร์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Verb to be

Verb to be
1       Be เป็นรูป infinitive ของ Verb to be ปกติจะมี to  นำหน้า ยกเว้นใช้กริยาตามหลังบางตัวหรือขึ้นต้นประโยคเมื่อเป็นคำสั่ง  มีหลักการดังนี้
1.1 ) ใช้  be ตามหลัง  to เพื่อขยายคำกริยาหลักของประโยค
           I want to be a teacher.     
           We wish to be over there.

  1.2) ใช้ be ตามหลัง will, shall เพื่อแสดงอนาคต

          He will be here tomorrow.
         We shall be there soon. 

1.3)ใช้ Be ตามหลังกริยาพิเศษบางตัว เช่น must may might
       can  could should ought to เช่น

         He must be here tomorrow .
        She may be here tomorrow.
        We can be good police.
       You should be honest.
1.4) ใช้ Be ขึ้นต้นประโยคคำสั่งหรืออวยพร โดยวาง Be ไว้หน้าคำคุณศัพท์

        Be quiet!
        Be happy in your birthday.

2) ใช้ verb to be ในรูป is am are มีวิธีดังนี้


2.1)ใช้กริยาแท้ในความหมายว่า คือ, เป็น ,อยู่ กับเหตุการณ์ปัจจุบัน

                           He is a docter.
                          I am happy.
                          They are student.

2.2)ทำประโยคเป็น Continuous Tenes โดยวางไว้หน้ากริยาเติ่ม ing
       เพื่อเเสดงเหตุการณ์สำคัญที่กำลังดำเนินอยู่  แปลว่า กำลัง

                            I am listening to the radio.
                            The children are going to school.
                            She is reading a book.

2.3)  ทำประโยคนั้นเป็น Passive Voice คือประธานเป็นผู้ถูกกระทำ

                            He is called Mr. John.
                            I am punished by mother.

2.4)  ทำให้ประโยคนั้นมีความหมายว่า  "จะ หรือ จะต้อง"
    Verb to be



            วางไว้หน้า Infinitive = to + verb1

                          He is to go to school tomorrow.
                          I am to see my school every year.

3)    ใช้ verb to be   was, were ในรูปของอดีต

     กริยาช่องที่    2





                        My school was buit in Pathumtani last year.

4)  ใช้ในรูป been เช่น past participle  (กริยาช่องที่3) มักใช้กับ Perfect Tense เช่น 

                       We have been here for ten year.
                       This building has been built since last year.
