วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Wh Question

Wh Question

An information question  = a question that asks for information by using

a question word : where,when,why,who,whom,what,which,whose

*Where asks about place.

EXAMPLE=   A: Where did you go?  
                        B: Pattaya.
                        A:  Where does she live?
                        B: Thailand.

*When can be answered by any time expession.

EXAMPLE= A: When will you go?

                      B: Next week.

                      A: When did she go to hospital?

                      B: In the morning.

*Why asks about reason.

EXAMPLE=  A:  Why did you crying?

                        B:  Because I am punished

                        A: Why does she do that?

                       B: Because of her love.

* Who asks about person and used as the subject of queston.
  EXAMPLE= A: Who came?
                       B: Mr.David.

                       A: Who is absent today?

                       B: Ms. Sujinda.

*Whom  is used as the object in a question and used in fomal English .
In everday spoken English,Who is usually used intead of whom.
                       Formal: Whom did you see?

                 Information:Who did you see?

EXAMPLE=   Whom do you often meet?

                       Whom does he see?

                       To whom did he talk?

*What can be used as either the subject or the object in a question.

EXAMPLE=A: What is your name?

                    B: My name is Rakchanok.

                    A: What do you do on the weekend?

                    B: I usually do exercise.

*Which is used when the speaker wants someone to  make a choice,
when the speaker  is offering alternatives:this one or that one;there
or those.,can be used with either singular or  plural nouns and can be
used to ask about people.

EXAMPLE= Which is your book?

                     Which is his toy?

                     Which subject do you like?

* Whose asks about possession Notice in the speaker of the question
may omit the noun if the meaning is clear to the listener.

EXAMPLE= Whose car is that ?

                      Whose is this umbrella?

Complete each sentence using who, whom,whose,where,which,how,how many
1.A:_____are you going?
   B:I am going to the Railway station.                   

2.A:_____do you go to the Lumpini?
   B:I go to the Lumpini in 3 day.
3.A:_____goes to the train station?
    B:Mr.Prayoon goes to the train station.

4.A:_____tickets does the servant buy?
   B: the servant buys two tickets.

5.A:_____does he want to seats?
   B:He want two seats because he is very fat.

6.A:_____does she call?
    B:she call her servant.

7.A:_____has he been for 3 day?
   B:He has been  to the upcountry for 3 day.

8.A:_____are you doing there?
    B:I am doing my work.

9.A:_____ you do prefer, milk or coffee?

10.A:_____are we going this evening?
 B:We are going to cinema tonight.


Betty Schrampfer Azer2003.ENGLISH GRAMMAR THIRD EDITION,Pearson Edution.

